AI enabled,
Real people's voices

Create voiceovers of professional quality in only minutes. Use TextReader's lifelike AI voices for Youtube, podcasts, videos, and all your professional presentations.

Get Started
Image alt textImage alt textImage alt text AI enabled, 
Real people's voices

Branded Custom Voices​

Choose from 135+ Languages and over 840+ voices
Get 5000 characters free today and turn your text in audio in seconds.

AI voices to capture the right tone


Listening is a better way to read

Natural-sounding human voices

Get more with TTS

Help you understand & pay attention. Remember more of what you read.

Maximize your time

Move through your content 2-3x faster than reading it.

Do more at once

Read wherever you are, whether that's the gym, park, or the couch.

Hear Your Words Read In

Hundreds of Different Voices







Create audio files for your commercial use Create audio files for your commercial use
Create audio files for your commercial use

Create audio files for your commercial use

TextReader - allows you to redistribute your generated audio files even after your subscription expires.

Text to Speech Converter

Create realistic voices for any text in seconds by using over +840 realistic voices across +135 languages & dialects.

Some of the best features

Text-to-Speech Converter


Over +840 Voices

Take your business to the next level with cutting-edge text-to-speech technology. Choose from a growing library of +840 voices

Over +135 Languages

Hear your words read in hundreds of different voices, Speak in +135 different languages and accents, powered by artificial intelligence!


Imagine a world where you can have an engaging and captivating presentation with voice-over narration. Our TTS service can provide you with voice-over narration for your presentation or, YouTube video.

Content Creation

TTS makes your content more accessible. Explore the many ways in which it can be used, from reading important announcements aloud or listening when you’re traveling abroad with your device – all while saving time and money!

or for any type of video!

Join Today!

Chose your perfect Plan

Generate realistic Text to Speech (TTS) audio using our AI Voice Generator with the best synthetic voices. We provide flexible and competitive price model.

Our Pricing Sign Up Today

AI Voice generation for all your audio content